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Hajj Collection
Purchase the Best Islamic Hajj Collection from Arabic Attire
Prophet Muhammad: "Verily, Allah is beautiful, and he adores beauty"
Muslims can improve their prayers in a variety of ways, but one modest thing you can do is make your prayer area lovely, which naturally includes your hajj accessories. The main goal of Arabic Attire is to offer consumers a wide selection of exquisite Turkish and Islamic hajj accessories. Choose from kid-sized prayer rugs, multi-person masjid carpets, soft velvet prayer rugs, thin woven prayer mats, child-sized prayer rugs, prayer beads and opulent gift sejadah for your Muslim family members and friends.
Prayer Rugs - Our most popular prayer rugs by far are the opulent plush velvet Islamic prayer rugs. The Double Plush and Lux Plush Regal prayer rugs are the thickest and best-quality (foam-free) rugs we provide. The Double Plush rug is somewhat longer and wider than the other two, but having the same thickness. Try one of our foam or orthopedic prayer mats if you require even additional padding. These are ideal for Muslims who might find it painful to worship on a hard surface due to old age, a bad back, or damaged knees.
Prayers Beads: Members of numerous religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Umbanda, Islam, Sikhism, and more, use prayer beads as a type of beadwork to track the number of times they repeat mantras, prayers, or chants. Prayer Beads are one of the most sold hajj collection at Arabic Attire.
We usually have a range of Islamic Prayer Rugs and beads in different styles, thicknesses, patterns, and colors to make sure we have a nice selection. Arabic Attire also carries velvet janamazes that are entirely solid for those Muslims who wish to pray on them. You can also select a prayer mat that is appropriate for salat if you prefer one with a delicate and elaborate design.
Whether you refer to it as a Janamaz, Salat Mat, Sejadah, Namazlik, or something else entirely, the goal is the same: to demonstrate your devotion and submission to Allah, your creator, in accordance with one of Islam's tenets. We are pleased to be able to assist you in carrying out your Islamic Prayers wirth elegance and devotion.
Arabic Attire has a range of money-saving hajj collections that will help you carry out your prayers amazingly and devotionally.